A Bath mum is set to take to the fashion catwalk to raise money for the children’s hospice, which has been “game-changing” for her disabled daughter. Laura Hobbs-Wall will be modelling at the Strength in Style Fashion Show in Bath alongside her 14-year-old daughter, Amelie. The show, being held at Bath’s Assembly Rooms on Thursday, 26th September, will raise money for three causes: Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW), Dorothy House, and the cancer support charity We Get It.

This is the second time that Laura, 48, and Amelie have taken to the catwalk, having also modelled at the show in 2023. Laura was inspired to help fundraise for Children’s Hospice South West after her daughter Elodie, now 12, was referred to the charity’s Charlton Farm hospice when she was two years old. Elodie was born with the rare chromosomal disorder 1p36 deletion syndrome, which has left her with profound learning disabilities, life-changing seizures, and the ability to walk only with a frame.

Laura had enjoyed a normal pregnancy and gave birth to Elodie at Bath’s Royal United Hospital. “It was a completely normal pregnancy, and no problems had been picked up,” said Laura. “However, we discovered when she was born that Elodie had a cleft palate, which is often the sign of other medical problems.

“Had that been picked up on scans, then there would have been further testing.” When Elodie was born, medics said she was suffering from tongue-tie – a common condition in babies w.