Teresa Ranieri never planned a vacation to Cape May when she first enlisted the services of Rebecca Walder, also known as The Beach Concierge. In 2019, Walder recommended places to stay and the best times to go. In the years since, she has helped Ranieri, who lives in Westchester County, New York, with restaurant reservations, grocery shopping, finding dog-friendly spots, even getting together a beach-themed gift for a travel companion of Ranieri and her husband.

Ranieri wouldn’t say how much she paid, but Walder said she charges about $100 an hour for most services. For Ranieri, the cost is well worth it. “It’s really just peace of mind,” said Ranieri, a 54-year-old educator, adding with a laugh: “I promise, I’m not high maintenance.

” As Jersey Shore vacations have become increasingly expensive, businesses have popped up to cater to beachgoers who are more than willing to pay for added conveniences. From Long Beach Island to Cape May, people can now outsource tasks that have long been hallmarks — albeit sometimes dreaded ones — of trips down the Shore. Services exist that will: Many of these services were started — or have grown exponentially — since the pandemic, and prices vary.

For what business owners call “schlepping” — the process of taking chairs, umbrellas and other supplies to and from the beach — customers pay a daily rate of $40 to $200, depending on the number of items and whether they have their own or are renting them. Weekly rates.