I’m not going to lie to you. When I watched the trailer for A Minecraft Movie with my kids, I wasn’t impressed. In fact, my exact words were, “What IS this?” And, can you blame me? As somebody who has watched all of the best video game movies , I can definitely tell you when I’m looking at something like the original, stellar Mortal Kombat movie .

..and when I’m looking at the utterly atrocious (but still fun!) Mortal Kombat : Annihilation .

In other words, I can tell a good video game movie from a bad one. That said, as somebody who is not a big fan of Minecraft , maybe I’m not the best audience for this trailer (And apparently, I’m not the only one who’s not impressed by what they’ve seen ). But, do you want to know who IS impressed? My two kids, who are both massive fans of the property .

So, when I asked them what they liked best about the trailer, this is what they told me. They Both Think It Got The Look Right I remember the first time I ever saw Minecraft , which was long before my kids were born. My good buddy was playing it in his dorm room, and I initially suspected that it wouldn’t go very far since I thought it was ugly.

I mean, just look at it. It’s so blocky ! As a ‘90s kid , I remember the bit wars . You might even say I fought in them, as I vehemently defended Nintendo any chance I got on the playground.

For example, whenever some Sega fanboy would say, “Genesis does what Nintendon’t,” I would usually serve lunch detention for sc.