It’s another Tuesday, and I bring tidings of new books to consider! As we weather the start of a month of some extreme weather in America—wildfires on one coast, a hurricane and tropical storm on another—it may just be the right time to focus elsewhere for a bit, if feasible, with something new and fascinating to read. And I have many just such things for you below. You’ll find twenty-four new books of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, including new work from Sofia Samatar, Peter Heller, Cynthia Zarin, Kristopher Jansma, Rosamund Young, and many others; a new look at the origins and prophetic beliefs surrounding Nat Turner’s famous rebellion; a trip through the adventures of Robert Louis Stevenson and his wife Fanny; a history of teeth; a memoir of musicals, Pakistan, immigration, man boobs, and more; and many other exciting options.

Let those to-be-read piles grow! It’s worth it. * “A Maine camping trip turns into a fight for survival in this meditative dystopian thriller from Heller..

..Despite the high stakes, Heller gives the narrative plenty of space to breathe, allowing him to cast a haunting, immersive spell as his heroes traverse the ruined landscape.

Painterly descriptions of nature and sparkling philosophical ruminations...

elevate the proceedings. The result is a wilderness adventure with real emotional depth.” – “A bawdy tale of the unseriousness of existence and the impossibility of knowing our neighbors.


is fiction as friction, designed for d.