SNP chiefs yesterday revealed they were going back to the tactics of Alex Salmond’s 2007 Indy strategy amid major setbacks for the push to leave the UK. First Minister John Swinney marked the tenth anniversary of the independence vote by telling supporters they must “reach out” to “everyone” as he indicated an end to continually promising another referendum . 3 The FM said that IndyRef2 would only go ahead if there were overwhelming support for it Credit: Michael Schofield 3 Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said the SNP are recycling the Salmond-era strategy Credit: Getty 3 Salmond's focus was on tapping into non-SNP supporters by governing well Credit: Andrew Barr He said a re-run of 2014 would only take place once there was “compelling and demonstrable evidence of the support in place for independence”.

And senior aides later said Mr Swinney’s approach would be a “parallel” to the strategy used during Mr Salmond’s first stint as First Minister between 2007 to 2011 ­— where the focus was on tapping into non-SNP supporters by governing well. Scots would rather the SNP ditched their self-serving obsession for good and focused on the issues that really matter, like fixing our crumbling public services and creating good jobs. Craig Hoy Scottish Tory party chairman A source said: “We need to reach out to all voters, something we did in the run up to 2011, and convince people of the benefits of independence in a way we haven’t done since 2014.

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