Good-bye, New Eden, we hardly ye. As great as it was to change the scenery and get some sequences outdoors, this is still a show about people on a train. By the end of this week, we’ll likely be stuck indoors for most of the remainder of this final season of Snowpiercer .

Thankfully, this episode makes the reasoning behind the decision to leave New Eden behind reasonably sound. Well, it is as sound as anything involving our favorite hot-headed former cop, former revolutionary leader, former mayor, and former pirate rebel can be. As soon as Layton realizes that Doctor Headwood didn’t just leave in a hurry but actually had time to plan the kidnapping of Layton’s daughter Liana — she even took her husband’s shoes that she kept behind glass for some reason — he decides he needs to head out and find the kidnappers by taking Big Alice.

Of course, simply taking the train is not as easy as it sounds. After all, it took months to convert the engine into a power source for the entire New Eden community, and it is the engine that is keeping them alive. But none of it matters to Layton, who goes fully off the rails (pun intended) this episode, lashing out at all of his closest friends and allies.

He insults Oz for needing help and causing Zarah to go to him up in the mountain and get killed. He lashes out at Josie for not supporting him going rogue and implying she would care more if it was her own daughter kidnapped. When the council meets to discuss the idea of splitting Bi.