Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most antisemitic of them all? Bringing the loveable animated classic to life, the live-action adaptation of is almost here. was the film that started it all for Disney – the debut feature from the studio so the remake is a pretty big deal. An even bigger deal for Jews around the world is that Gal Gadot vamps it up in this version as the Evil Queen.

But in true 2024 style, the trailer has already sparked an antisemitic campaign on social media. Pro-Palestinian users have called for a boycott of the film due to Gadot, citing her Israeli background and previous military service. Posts on social media calling for a boycott sprang up on Monday when Disney released the first teaser trailer for the 2025 movie.

“A character that tries to kill a child and steal her kingdom. How fitting,” one user wrote. Another user using the #FreePalestine hashtag wrote, “Make sure to BOYCOTT the movie as they have cast an Israeli terrorist Gal Gadot in the film.

She is a trained killer who served in the Israeli degenerate forces. Don’t let Zionist terrorists normalize this EVER!” One comment read, “she may be more beautiful than Rachel Zegler, but at least Rachel isn’t a Zionist” and another wrote “the CGI dwarfs in Snow White film looks fine but they need to reshoot the evil Zionist Gal Gadot”. One went so far to say that Gadot will “treat the same way her Zionist counterparts treat Palestinians” and perhaps the most offensive stated,.