SLEEPING well in a hotel room is often not as easy as it might seem, no matter how comfy the bed is. People get used to their own mattresses and duvets, and the slightest change to a sleep routine can keep a person up all night. 1 Many modern hotels have adopted science-backed technologies to help their guests sleep better Credit: Getty And especially with our generation that is swamped by distractions like social media, it has become increasingly important for hoteliers to come up with ways to make guests sleep more peacefully.

Large hotel chains are now using use sneaky ways to make you sleep better - including hi-tech gadgets and science-backed therapies. One of the ways is to create a dream bedroom setup that comes with an atmosphere tailored for a perfect goodnight's sleep. Dr Stephani K.

Robson, an expert in the psychology of hotel design, told a media outlet : " Dark, quiet and cool are the specific elements guests need for a good night’s sleep." Hotels like Equinox in New York are now following the holy trinity to transform their bedrooms into "sleep chambers" for guests to have a deep sleep. After attending a refreshing sleep spa session, guests can throw themselves on beds wrapped with natural linen that helps to sleep better.

And with just a press of a button, guests can change the entire room to get a perfect sleeping experience. This includes studio-grade soundproofing, deep blackout blinds and a high-quality air purification system that ensures an optimum envi.