This installment shares two short articles and an advertisement that appeared in the August 28, 1903, edition of the MAINE WOODS newspaper. We hope you are having a fabulous summer and that you enjoy these excerpts from Rangeley just 121 short years ago. (Contemporary commentary found in italics) GO FISHING BY ELECTRICS Talk has been revived in regard to an electric railroad over the road between Rangeley and Mooselookmeguntic lake.

It is understood that the Union Water Power company have a plan to build an electric light plant at Oquossoc and that an electric railroad may come later. How interesting that there was talk of creating a trolley service between the villages. A new dam and power station were built at the outlet of the lake and the structures remain to this day.

A dam and power station were also constructed at the site of Kennebago Falls and it is still operating. The trolley idea sounds cool and what an attraction it would be. These days, it would be no small task to get even a bike path built along Route 4 between the villages, let alone to build a hydro station.

..anywhere in fact.

Below you’ll find an early mention of the practice of catch and release. Rangeley Lake House from village steeple Circa 1903 Courtesy the late Arthur Guerin RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE One of the patrons of the Rangeley Lake House who has been a visitor to the Rangeleys for the past 20 or 30 years spoke the other day of the marked changes that have come about in the way the anglers here hand.