EASTHAMPTON, Mass. , Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- S.


T. Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Newsletter and Conferences - Neil Brick , Editor https://ritualabuse.us Conference included Neil Brick , Dr.

Alison Miller , Dr. Lynn Brunet , Patricia Quinn and Michael Skinner SMART reports on the 27th ritual abuse and mind control conference since 1998. The online conference was August 10 - 11, 2024 .

http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/ Speakers: Dr. Alison Miller presented on Stabilizing and Healing Techniques for Survivors.

Survivors have front people and insiders, parts hidden inside, who react to things in the present as if it was the past. Front people have been trained to be in denial about the history of abuse and about the existence of other inside people. Dr.

Alison Miller is a retired clinical psychologist who practiced for over forty years, specializing for the last twenty-five years in survivors of ritual abuse and mind control. Her new book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists , is available at https://www.karnacbooks.

com/product/demystifying-mind-control-and-ritual-abuse-a-manual-for-therapists/97609/ Dr. Lynn Brunet discussed Traces of Masonic Ritual Abuse in Carl Jung's Red Book and Black Books. Jung recorded these experiences in journals that he called the Black Books and The Red Book.

In late 2018 the Answer to Jung: Making Sense of The Red Book was published. This study demonstrates that Jung's fantasies are not entirely origina.