The latest viral skincare trend may have an off-putting name, but thankfully it has little to do with molluscs. Known as "slugging", this technique could be the secret to achieving bouncy, well-moisturised skin. "Slugging has been trending online for years as a cure-all for dehydrated and irritated skin," said Cosmopolitan .

The practice "became known as slugging on skin care TikTok because the vast layers of Vaseline resemble the slimy substance that keeps snails hydrated and moist," said skincare blog The Klog . And while the name might deter some, it is a fairly straightforward skincare method. A snail as old as time "Slugging, which originates from the K-beauty world, involves applying a thin layer of occlusive ointment, like Vaseline or Aquaphor, on your face to help prevent water loss," said dermatologist Adarsh Vijay Mudgil, speaking to the magazine.

The name "slugging" stems from the "ultra-shiny and slimy" appearance Vaseline or an occlusive ointment gives your skin, making it look as though "a slug made its way across your face", said the magazine. Although the skincare trend may have gained popularity online only in the past few years, it has actually been around for "millennia" in many regions across the globe, said National Geographic . The technique is "nothing new to Black American women", who have used it for generations before specialised products were available, said the magazine, while "oil as a balm dates back to ancient Egyptians who used it to reduce wri.