GILBERT, AZ — Slimeatory not only lets you take home unique slime, but you can also create your own! ABC15 caught up with the Arizona YouTuber and slime maker, Ameerah Navalua, who made the slime-centered business in the East Valley. “I intended it to be a place where you can let all your creativity flow and just go absolutely crazy, whether it's just with slime or any craft, really, because I have a ton of supplies, and its glue and glitters and colorings and sprinkles; basically, everything for crafts, even scents,” said Navalua to ABC15 in an interview. The store sells apparel, accessories, and toys, but needless to say.

.. slime is the main star.

The store has an area called ‘DIY TO-GO’ where guests pick up the supplies, add-ons and mix-ins to create their slime at home or shop from their slime collections that vary from aromas and textures. Guests also have the opportunity to develop their slime on-site at the ‘DIY Slime Bar’ located at the back of the store. “There's so many people who always think ‘slime is for like, little kids’ [.

..] but it is literally for everybody,” said Navalua.

“There was even an instance where I was helping teach a slime class here, and I believe there were like two 80-year-old women who were best friends, just having the time of their lives, making slime, and it was the most beautiful thing ever. So that's actually something that I'd like to bring awareness on, is that it's for pretty much any age group [..

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