You are debating whether to have a dessert , but are saying to yourself you shouldn't. Questions swirl around your head asking why your slimmer friend can have a Tiramisu, but you can't Experts say it's a matter of changing your mindset which they insist can be done and have listed seven ways to beat food cravings, Dr Aileen Alexander, a former GP who wants to break diet cycles says: “Women come to me to lose weight, but weight is a symptom of the problem, not the problem. It’s hard for women in our culture to lose weight and keep it off.

" She told The Sun : “They lose unhealthy amounts in the early days of a new diet, and when they don’t continue losing weight they feel like they’ve failed, as they weren’t able to stick to the process.” The food hacks which slim people swear by which will help them keep the weight off and shed pounds. Experts say it will help them change their food relationship and in turn, they will feel better and will be rewarded with health benefits.

1. Eat what you want Allowing yourself to eat foods such as chocolate and other treats such as cakes, crisps and biscuits, stops you desiring them. Dr Alexander also recommends eating 80% whole foods which are less processed - then you can enjoy 20% of what you want.

This can be scary according to experts and can lead to initial binging of favourite foods. But a change in mentality can allow yourself to eat what you want as along as you are having them with the recommended with wholefoods. 2.
