A NURSE who contributed to the deteriorating health of a Stockton Centre resident who died the next day has been struck from the register and banned for two years. Login or signup to continue reading The ban comes nine years after the 49-year-old Stockton resident's death on September 11, 2015. The nurse, Melinda Farley, resigned in March, 2017, after being removed from face-to-face nursing duties and before being sacked.

Ms Farley started working at the Stockton Centre in 1995 where the patient, who had a severe intellectual disability, had lived since she was a child. She lived in Unit 17 with about 20 other people with disabilities. Ms Farley had worked with the patient "on and off" for many years and knew her well, but had not seen her for a few months when she started a shift at 3pm on September 10, 2015.

Evidence contained in a judgement published this week (September 17) included statements from Ms Farley and two other members of staff who worked that shift. In the months leading up to her death, the patient had a number of health issues including recurring constipation and episodes of abdominal distension. A health care plan was written for her in July, detailing what to watch for in terms of clinical signs of her condition worsening, which included mood changes.

Staff were directed to conduct regular reviews and assessments including measuring her stomach, recording her food and fluid intake and activity levels, and to be on the look out for signs of obstructions. He.