IN today’s world where self-care is trending and becoming a higher priority, men’s skincare often remains overlooked. However, men’s skin requires just as much care and attention as women’s. Dr Kimberley Johnson, founder of Skyn By Dr Kym, a leading aesthetic and medical centre specialising in tailored skincare solutions, sheds light on this topic and offers practical advice for men looking to elevate their skincare routines.

A prevailing myth about skincare is that it’s exclusively for women. This stereotype often discourages men from adopting skincare routines due to concerns about appearing less masculine. “There’s a common misconception that men who invest in skincare are considered more ‘feminine’,” says Dr Johnson.

“In reality, skincare is essential for everyone, and the rough, rugged look that many men see as the norm is oftentimes not a sign of healthy skin.” Skincare basics Men, like women, have varying skin types: dry, oily, combination, or normal. To determine their type, Dr Johnson suggests this tip.

“Cleanse and leave the skin bare for 30-60 minutes. If it feels tight, you have dry skin. If it becomes oily, you have oily skin.

Combination skin will show both dry and oily areas while unchanged skin suggests normal or resistant skin.” Common concerns for men and suggested solutions In recent years, several factors have contributed to a significant increase in men showing more interest in and seeking out skincare solutions. Teenagers ente.