Imagine a scenario where a prominent life sciences company safeguards 573,000 biological samples collected two decades ago as part of a groundbreaking study. Today, these samples rest in a tucked-away basement of a modest laboratory, nestled among numerous cryogenic freezers within a section of the building inaccessible to anyone involved in the original research. The samples intermingle with materials from newer studies and ongoing investigations, making it a daunting task for anyone to pinpoint their exact locations without extensive digging.

Surprisingly, this situation isn’t uncommon. Despite the crucial role high-value samples play in the life sciences industry, many organizations fail to recognize the importance of scalable and reliable automated storage solutions. Sample management often takes a backseat to more immediate priorities, leading to delays in achieving long-term efficiency gains.

For enterprises grappling with vast storage volumes or navigating regulatory pressures concerning digital record-keeping, transitioning to an automated solution with integrated audit trails represents a significant leap forward. The following six steps can help you address the challenges and strategies in transitioning to automated cryogenic storage systems. An initial infrastructure assessment will help you gain a better understanding of your current facilities, resources, and limitations.

If yours is like many other organizations, the cryogenic storage infrastructure did not ar.