I just cleaned out my junk drawer. While that may not be groundbreaking news, tidying up the space we all have in our kitchens as a repository for coupons, menus, extra keys and spare batteries can actually benefit our health. How, you ask? When the renowned Mayo Clinic announced a few years ago that ‘sitting is the new smoking’ it was more than just a catchy phrase.

They were warning that prolonged sitting can be seriously hazardous to your health. The list of consequences is alarming and quite frightening. Risks include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety, muscle wasting, and painful conditions for your hips and back.

If you’ve ever sat down at your desk in the morning only to look up and realize it’s already lunchtime, here are a few ideas to help you stay active...

As an added benefit, if you’re like me, getting up will actually re-energize you and help you focus better. Cheers – and happy standing!.