Season 19 of Sister Wives is just weeks away from its premiere. This season will be markedly different from previous seasons. There is absolutely no polygamy going on within the Brown family anymore.

With the family completely fractured, interpersonal relationships have become a bit confusing. To simplify things, we’ve broken down who is speaking to whom. Robyn Brown never connected with her sister wives Robyn Brown never managed to cozy up to Christine Brown or Janelle Brown.

Despite sharing a husband, Robyn appeared more interested in forming her own family with Kody than being integrated into the dynamic he had with his other wives. Still, she managed to forge an unlikely friendship with Meri Brown early on in their plural marriage. While Meri seemed to try to support Robyn, remain close to her children, and include her in her life, Robyn never really returned the favor.

Meri eventually grew tired of both Kody and Robyn, opting to live full-time in Utah and end her marriage rather than keep up the lie for the sake of the family’s reality TV shows. These days, none of Robyn’s former sister wives maintain a relationship with her. Christine and Janelle Brown are friendlier now than ever before Christine and Janelle Brown once admitted that their early relationship was strained despite Christine providing most of the childcare during the early days of their plural family.

Whatever kept them from forming a friendship early on is water under the bridge now. Janelle and Chr.