Sir Mick Jagger and the late David Bowie planned to star in a murder mystery together. The Rolling Stones frontman and his 'Starman' singer pal - who died of cancer in January 2016 - met with acclaimed writer Lynda La Plante to discuss their idea for a film but the idea quickly ran out of steam due to the "hungover" pair arguing over the plot and their characters. In an extract from her new book 'Getting Away with Murder' obtained by the Daily Mirror newspaper, Lynda wrote: "Writers for TV rarely experience hits.

Two hits are even rarer...

.yet with the double hit of 'Widows' and 'Prime Suspect', my phone was red-hot for the first time in my career. "One call was from my then TV and film agent Duncan Heath’s office.

"A message had come through my agent’s wife, Hilary, that Mick Jagger and David Bowie wanted to meet with me to discuss an upcoming movie project – a crime thriller, apparently. "A date was duly arranged and I trotted off to meet them in a central London hotel where they’d booked a suite for the day." Lynda had met neither of the rock stars before but they were "clearly hungover" when she arrived at the meeting and she was baffled by their flimsy pitch.

She recounted: " ‘OK, well, let’s kick off. What kind of story are you looking for?’ I asked, sipping a morning coffee. ‘Well, we thought of.

.. a murder mystery.

..’ Jagger piped up.


a murder mystery...

on the road?’ I enquired. ‘Yeah..

. on the road..

.’ he said, before turning to Bowie .