A 27-year-old woman is dedicating time and effort to something special for her future children. Nicole, who manages the Instagram account @VillaDeSanti, is a biomedical engineer pursuing her doctorate by day. However, it's her unique hobby, which she's recently started sharing online, that has captured even more attention than her impressive academic achievements.

"I started my baby clothes collection when I was very, very young," she told PEOPLE . "I was maybe 5 or 6 years old when I began collecting the clothes. At first, they were for my baby dolls.

My mom encouraged my love for playing with dolls. It started as just that, and over the years, I created a baby clothes collection that I hope will be for my future kids." Nicole's collection consists of "maybe 100 items total," including both boys' and girls' clothes.

"I don't shop that often. Items come and go. Sometimes I'll get something and later decide not to keep it.

I'll give it away or sell some things. What I show online is from what I've gathered over the years. The collection is always evolving.

" The collection also evolves because Nicole enjoys customizing these clothes to suit her vision. "Crocheting and embroidery have always been a part of my life. My grandma used to sew and do a lot of embroidery, and my mom did the same, mainly as a hobby, so it was natural for me to pick it up too," she says.

"Lately, I've been applying the skills I've honed over the years to my baby clothes collection. It's fun to explore an.