Arjun Kapoor, who recently tasted success with Singham Again, opened up about his personal life and the gesture for being there for ex-girlfriend Malaika Arora after her father Anil Mehta’s death. Calling himself a private person, Arjun said it’s better to go public with one’s relationships or else people will present it cheaply. “In life, without going into one instance, I’d like to say when what happened with Khushi, Janhvi, there is an instinct and impulse.

In this case also, there is an instinct and impulse. If I formed an emotional bond with somebody, I’d always lie to believe that I’ll be there regardless in the good and the bad..

.I’m not somebody who is doing this for all and sundry. If I feel an emotion with someone, it will be there for life,” said Arjun said while speaking on Figuring Out With Raj Shamani.

When questioned about that one reason why relationships don’t work out because of him, Arjun replied, “I think I have a fear of loss. It’s not commitment phobia, there is a difference. I always feel my mom left me, my father made a choice.

..So there’s a fear of loss that exists.

There’s a feeling that eventually (everyone will leave). I’m trying to work on it. When anything happens, I feel this will end too.

Ek subconscious cheze hai jo bhaari padhti hai mujhe (It’s a subconscious thing that costs me). I, may be, could have wonderful relationships with certain girls, but I didn’t give it a shot because I didn’t want to let them .