Charlotte Awbery probably isn’t a name you recognise instantly, but you’ll know her face – and certainly her voice. The singer-songwriter became an internet sensation during the pandemic, having gone viral when filmed at the tube station. In 2020, the British woman was asked to complete the lyrics to Lady Gaga ’s tune Shallow and gained a legion of fans practically overnight and, perhaps more importantly, had the title ‘queen of the gays’ bestowed upon her.

After her viral moment, Charlotte even released an official Shallow music video and was branded an ‘inspiration’ by many. She has continued posting covers on social media and submitted a song for Eurovision last year. But Charlotte’s internet fame is far from over, oh no.

In fact, it’s all started up again with a clip of her doing mega numbers on X. Shared by the user fathrfigvre, from Houston, Texas, a caption read: ‘Is it me or does she have 70s face? The kind of face that a celebrity in the 70s would have’. His tweet was accompanied by a video of Charlotte looking stunning in a blue dress, her blonde hair curly as she sat at a wedding reception with friends, belting out If I Ain’t Got You by Alicia Keys.

It didn’t take long for people to pick up where they knew her from, as the original post been viewed over 13million times. Joking that we appear to have travelled back in time, _JamesGtfo wrote: ‘Global pandemic, US election year, Lady Gaga releasing music, Charlotte Awbery going viral. Wel.