“ Fun fact: Lew and Rene are both Leos. As the baby Taurus of the group, I’m well-protected by these two,” says musician Marian Carmel . “Star signs aside, we’ve been friends for years.

We’ve seen each other through different lifetimes and I’m very happy to be going on tour with these two.” Carmel is joined by Lewis Loh and Rene Ann Wong (better known by their stage names Lewloh and Rene ) as they embark on shows across Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines, kicking off The Lilypad Tour in Asia. Don’t mistake them for being in a band; each singer-songwriter is a distinct act.

Beyond idiosyncratic personal styles and impressive songwriting prowess, what they do share is a fundamental desire to create a safe space for their audience. And while their music is universal, there is no denying the special resonance it holds for their queer community. With frog-themed dress codes, concert bingo and three blockbuster sets from three talented musicians, The Lilypad Tour is set to be fun, liberating and the most inclusive space in town as it moves through cities.

Here, the trio shares a little bit about how this joint tour was born, what they each bring to the table and their favourite songs on the setlist. Each of you is an independent artist. How did this joint tour come about? Wong: I wanted to go on tour and Lew and Marian said they were going to miss me too much so I decided to bring them along.

Loh: When Rene told me they were planning a solo tour, I shamelessly .