Monday, August 12, 2024 Singapore Airlines , often regarded as one of the premier airlines globally, although recently surpassed by Qatar Airways, has unveiled its plans to significantly expand its flight operations from the United Kingdom. These plans include the introduction of additional flights between London Gatwick and Singapore, which are set to commence from March 2025. This expansion will result in the service becoming a daily flight, adding to the already substantial number of flights offered by the airline from the UK to Singapore.

Expansion Details and Impact on UK-Singapore Connectivity Currently, Singapore Airlines operates five weekly flights between London Gatwick and Singapore. However, with the new changes, this frequency will increase to seven flights per week, effectively making it a daily service. This will enhance the connectivity between the UK and Singapore, bringing the total number of daily flights from London to Singapore to five.

Four of these daily services are already operational from London Heathrow. In addition to the increased flights from London, the existing services between Manchester and Singapore will continue as planned. However, a significant change will occur in April 2025, when Singapore Airlines will suspend its flights from Singapore to Houston, which currently includes a stopover in Manchester.

As of now, there are five weekly flights operating between Manchester and Singapore. Reasons Behind the Expansion and Market Demand The dec.