Whenever a country undergoes a period of economic recession, citizens automatically start cutting their superfluous expenditures, focusing only on the bare essentials yet this fundamental principle of economical spending seems to go beyond the understanding of the Sindh government, which chooses to gift fancy vehicles to its officers at a time when millions of people in the province are either hungry or homeless. In the aftermath of this year's elections, the budget for the upcoming fiscal year will reportedly allocate Rs6.85 billion for the salaries, perks and facilities offered to provincial ministers, advisers, special assistants and parliamentary secretaries at a time when, on the one hand, inflation has made it difficult for the common household to meet its daily expenses while on the other hand nearly 1.

9 million flood-affected families continue to await the reconstruction of their houses. Abdul Jabbar Abro, a resident of Larkana told the Express Tribune that his house was destroyed during the heavy rains and floods of 2022. "Even though the Sindh government had announced cash support for the rebuilding of our house, we have received no help even after the passing of two years and we continue to be homeless," lamented Abro.

Unfortunately, millions of flood victims like Abro would have to abandon their hopes of a new home anytime shortly considering the Sindh government's recent decision to provide more than 111 officials with brand new 1800 cc cars alongside other benef.