Simran Singh, the popular Instagram influencer known as ‘Jammu ki Dhadkan,’ was found dead in her Gurgaon flat On December 24, 2024, leaving her fans and family in shock. The 28-year-old, also a former radio jockey, was discovered in her home, and her sudden passing has sparked widespread grief and speculation. According to her family, work-related stress and ongoing struggles with depression may have contributed to the tragedy.

Simran’s father, Jaswinder Singh, shared that she had been under significant pressure in her career, which had taken a toll on her mental health. Her mother revealed that Simran had been battling depression for several years and had been on medication for the condition. Also Read : Did Rishabh Shetty Ignore Rashmika Mandanna? Netizens React To His Kirik Party Anniversary Post! Simran’s death has ignited a debate among her followers and the public, with some suspecting foul play while others believe it was a tragic case of suicide.

This has led to calls for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding her passing. Simran had amassed a large following on social media, where she shared relatable content, fashion tips, and glimpses of her life. Known for her vibrant personality, she was beloved by many, and her loss has left a void among her fans.

A post shared by RJ SIMRAN (@rjsimransingh) As the investigation continues, her family is urging the public to take mental health seriously, particularly in high-pressure careers like infl.