Mike Hadge Pop Culture Simone Biles’ talents are undisputed at this point. With nearly three games under her belt and eleven medals (and counting) so far to her name, it’s hard to argue with Biles’ skills when it comes to gymnastics. However, let’s all take a moment to acknowledge all she has given to the internet, whether through her own socials or simply her authentic/no-bull hooey attitude being spun into Internet gold somehow.

It’s a thing of beauty and really, it’s not fair. This week, became a without even trying. It sounds innocuous, but on Thursday, a camera candidly filmed her stretching.

Then, in the span of two seconds flat, Biles turns and stares daggers It really must be seen. Fortunately, many across the internet it post-haste. Way to know your solemn duty, internet.

Let’s have a look at some of the highlights...

Universal Studios Tram Guide: “Oh look! There's the owner of the Bates Motel!” Norman Bates: when i’m at the bar and someone mentions taco bell When my wife is saying our goodbyes at the party and hears me crack a fresh beer The accuracy on this one, my god...

Bea Arthur when someone says something stupid: FRODO: *puts on the ring* SAURON: when someone asks if you wanna get ice cream When I’m 3 drinks in and I hear someone light a cigarette me when a new puzzle piece of the “it ends with us” drama drops on the tl velociraptors when you drop a ladle When I’m 15 high noons deep and Creed comes on Honestly, it’s a shame that c.