Changes in the appearance or texture of hands can often signify a larger health concern. Understanding the telltale signs of certain conditions and how they affect our hands can help people get treatment quicker, helping minimise the negative effects according to Dr Donald Grant, GP and Senior Clinical Advisor at The Independent Pharmacy . Dr Grant has revealed five signs in the hands that could signify serious health concerns.

He said: “From cardiovascular disease to psoriasis, our hands can tell us a lot about our health - indicating potentially serious health conditions. It’s vital to understand the telltale signs of illness and how to spot changes in hands to avoid a further reduction in well-being. Therefore, let’s take a look at the five signs to look out for.

Nails “A range of health issues can all lead to alterations in nail appearance and texture. Firstly, pitted nails are when small dents or pits form on the surface of fingernails and can indicate psoriasis , in severe cases, it can cause the nails to crumble. “Additionally, yellow nails can be an indicator of a range of health issues, including fungal infections or underlying health conditions such as lung disease.

With so many potential causes, it’s vital to seek further advice from a GP to diagnose the issue and receive the correct treatment. Skin “It’s also important to keep an eye on skin, as the texture and appearance can alter quite rapidly when ill. Palmar Erythema is a skin condition causing.