The capital’s nerve centre of bureaucracy, the Federal Secretariat, is fast turning into a deserted place where wild grass is overgrowing and stinking water overflowing. Interestingly, this same headquarters of the federal government departments is expected to keep things in order and under discipline in the entire country. However, its own pathetic condition speaks volumes and puts a big question mark on the intention and willingness of the government departments and agencies responsible for doing so.

A visit to the various blocks of the federal secretariat, A, B, C and the rest on Monday exposed the poor maintenance work of the civic agency responsible for the beauty and cleanliness of the federal capital. It is such a huge complex but there are neither flowers nor fountains to be seen, no grassy beds nor proper sitting places under shady trees where the visitors could wait, rest and relax. Instead, there are broken benches, old rusty vehicles parked in the sideways of the secretariat’s various blocks giving an ugly look to the entire complex of big and small buildings.

The fact that the federal secretariat is adjacent to the state buildings the Aiwan-e-Sadr, Prime Minister’s House, Supreme Court of Pakistan and other state symbols, further highlights the level of negligence. While talking to Pakistan Observer a number of visitors who had arrived from various parts and cities of the country expressed their surprise at the poor condition of the Federal Secretariat whic.