Actor Sidhant Gupta has swiftly become one of the most admired and sought-after names in the fashion world. Known for his compelling performances in Jubilee and Freedom At Midnight, he also sets major fashion goals with every trend he embraces. With an aesthetic that seamlessly blends sophistication and creativity, Sidhant’s sartorial choices often turn heads and even win approval from fashion watchdogs like Diet Sabya.

Here’s a glimpse at five of his most striking Instagram posts that highlight his impeccable style: Timeless Elegance in classic Rohit Bal Outfit Sidhant Gupta paid a heartfelt tribute to the late ace fashion designer Rohit Bal with his impeccable sense of style. At the premiere of Freedom at Midnight, Sidhant turned heads in an elegant navy-blue ensemble from Rohit Bal’s collection. He donned tapered pants paired with a navy-blue jacket featuring leather accents and accessorized the look with a red rose.

A post shared by Sidhant (@sidhant) Blue Grace Redefining aesthetics, Sidhant Gupta donned a color-blocked blue co-ord set comprising loose-fitted pants and a jacket. He added a touch of elegance with a silver chain and completed the look with white sneakers. A post shared by Sidhant (@sidhant) Slaying Glitter & how Sidhant proves that men can slay glitter effortlessly, and this outfit is a true reflection of his bold and confident style.

A post shared by Sidhant (@sidhant) Red Hot In this outfit, Sidhant made a striking statement with a monochrome look .