Malayalam film actor Siddique resigned from his position as the general secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) on Sunday, following grave allegations of sexual assault made by Revathy Sampath, a young actress. Siddique communicated his resignation to AMMA president Mohanlal through email, stating, "I am resigning from my post due to the allegations made against me." Revathy Sampath accused Siddique of sexual assault in 2016, labelling him a hardcore criminal.

Recounting her ordeal before TV news channels, she stated, "Siddique initially reached out to me via social media, calling me 'mole' (daughter) in his messages. Two years after completing my higher secondary education, he contacted me again. He continued to refer to me as 'mole' (daughter).

At that time, I was too naive to suspect his intentions. He inquired if I had an interest in acting or films. I was unaware of his predatory nature, as such individuals are often manipulative and deceptive.

" “At the age of 21, I attended a local theatre in Thiruvananthapuram for the preview of the Malayalam film "Sukhamairikkatte." Siddique invited me to a well-known hotel in the city centre to discuss aspects related to the film. I was locked in a room.

He abused me physically and told me it was okay if I didn't allow him to cross the limits. After that, he grabbed and overpowered me, for a moment several things passed through my mind. The mirror in the room is testimony to my traumatic experience.

” Will h.