In the realm of horror cinema, Turkey’s SICCIN film series has carved a niche for itself, delving into the dark world of black magic and supernatural terror. Since its inception in 2014, the series has grown to include seven films, each weaving a unique narrative while maintaining the common thread of exploring the unknown and the terrifying. In this article, we will embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of SICCIN, tracing its evolution and examining the latest installment, SICCIN 7.

The Genesis of SICCIN The first film, SICCIN (2014), directed by Özgür Bakar, sets the tone for the series. The movie follows Öznur, a beautiful woman who falls deeply in love with her cousin Kudret, who is married to another woman, Nisa. Consumed by jealousy and desperation, Öznur seeks the help of a sorcerer to unleash black magic against Nisa, causing inexplicable troubles for Kudret’s family.

As the dark forces take hold, the family’s life begins to unravel, leading to a terrifying climax. The Series’ Evolution As the series progressed, each film expanded on the themes of black magic, family dynamics, and the consequences of meddling with forces beyond human control. SICCIN 2 (2015) and SICCIN 3: Crime of Love (2016) continued to explore the darker aspects of human nature, while SICCIN 4 (2017), SICCIN 5 (2018), and SICCIN 6 (2019) introduced new characters and storylines, maintaining the series’ momentum.

SICCIN 7: The Latest Chapter The latest installment, SICCIN 7 .