Social media is a double-edged sword, as much as it is convenient, it is also misused. Recently, a misleading post claiming the death of actor Shreyas Talpade went viral on social media. This post spread like wildfire, which also upset the actor's fans.

This post went viral so quickly that the actor himself had to issue a statement regarding his health. Shreyas Talpade shared a long post on his Instagram late on Monday night. In this post, he also lashed out at those who spread such rumours while giving information about his health.

He wrote, 'I am alive, happy and healthy. During this, he thanked all his well-wishers who contacted him after reading this misleading post.' The actor further wrote that he understands that fun and frolic also have their place, but when it is misused, they can really cause a lot of harm.

He also talked about the impact of this false news on his daughter. Shreyas also stated that the false news deepens his fear, he is also facing questions from his peers and teachers about his health. The actor has urged people to stop spreading such rumours about his demise.

Shreyas Talpade said that at any cost one should not make such a joke with anyone. The Om Shanti Om actor further expressed that he does not want this to happen to anyone, so he also appealed to the people to maintain sensitivity. After the rumours related to the actor's death surfaced, he was searched a lot on Google.

Let us tell you that in December 2023, Shreyas Talpade had a heart attack .