Bollywood actor Shreyas Talpade has found himself at the unfortunate end of a death hoax, a distressing incident that has deeply impacted him and his family. The actor, who recently appeared at the trailer launch of Kangana Ranaut's Emergency , took to Instagram to address the false and harmful rumour. Shreyas Talpade calls out death hoax, expresses daughter’s concern about his health: “Don’t joke around at the cost of others” In a heartfelt post, Talpade expressed his disappointment and anger at the spread of such misinformation.

He emphasized the real-world consequences of the hoax, particularly on his young daughter. Having already faced the anxiety of his father’s heart attack in 2023, the child's worries have intensified due to this cruel and irresponsible act. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shreyas Talpade (@shreyastalpade27) Talpade's post reads, “My little daughter, who goes to school every day, is already anxious about my well-being, constantly asking questions and seeking reassurance.

This false news only deepens her fears, forcing her to confront more questions from her peers and teachers, stirring up emotions that we’ve been trying to manage as a family.” The actor also highlighted the broader impact of such hoaxes, stating, “To those pushing this content further, I ask you to pause and consider the impact. Many people have genuinely prayed for my well-being, and it’s disheartening to see humor used in a way that can hurt sentimen.