Shreya Patel is a dynamic force whose journey is marked by several fields including - modeling, international speaking for mental health awareness , acting, and filmmaking. Her movie ‘Unibrow’ was recently selected under the short film category at many award functions, cementing Shreya’s position in the world of entertainment and storytelling . In a recent interview with us, Shreya Patel shared insights into her influences, creative process, and the evolution of the film industry.

In our conversation, Shreya, an Indo-Candaian artist, noted how her global experiences have shaped her perspective as a filmmaker . "From the age of six, I knew I wanted to be in the world of fashion . My journey, which included walking over 600 runways across Asia, the Middle East, and North America, intersected with profound realizations, especially while volunteering with the Make-A-Wish Foundation," she said.

These experiences fueled her desire to amplify unheard voices through filmmaking, leading to the creation of her production company. “My experiences in fashion and filmmaking have taught me to dream big, take risks, and create work that resonates and uplifts others. Being a global citizen, I’ve learned to embrace diversity and enrich my life experiences, which is reflected in my films.

While the road was challenging, it was filled with lessons that enriched my storytelling and fueled my passion for creating impactful content,” she added. When asked about how she keeps her storyt.