Bollywood director Amar Kaushik of the latest blockbuster ‘Stree 2’, clarified that Shraddha Kapoor’s sequel is not a ‘female-centric film’. To Read Lifestyle Stories in Urdu- Click Here While Shraddha Kapoor returns in her titular character for ‘Stree 2’ , to save the boys and Chanderi from Sarkata, director Amar Kaushik maintains that he won’t call the sequel a ‘female-centric film’, as it is much more than the gender rivalry. “I won’t call it a female-centric film; it is more,” he said in a new interview.

The director continued, “Around the interval, when there is a song, a woman is gesturing to the boys to go and hide and they do so behind a bangle shop. So, I would say it is not a female-centric or a male-centric film.” A post shared by Maddock Films (@maddockfilms) “In my films, I try to have stronger female characters than my male characters, whether it is in Bala , Stree or Bhediya , and now Stree 2 ,” he emphasized.

Furthermore, Kaushik also asserted that there is no single ‘star of the show’, and all five main characters are the ‘souls’ of ‘Stree 2’ . “Everybody associated with the film is a star because each and every one of them has given their everything to the film; without even one person, the film wouldn’t be the way it has turned out,” he added. Also Read: Is the ‘Stree 3’ script ready? ‘Stree 2’ , the fifth title in Maddock Films’ Supernatural Universe and a sequel to the 2018 hit, opened in theat.