Bollywood diva Shraddha Kapoor, fresh off the success of her recently released horror comedy film ‘Stree 2’, shared an adorable update with her fans on Saturday, as she has welcomed a new pet. The actress introduced her charming ‘nanhi stree’ named ‘Small’, adding a delightful new member to her family. With her vibrant spirit and love for animals, Shraddha’s latest addition has already captured the hearts of her followers.

Taking to Instagram, Shraddha delighted her 93.1 million followers by sharing a series of heartwarming pictures featuring her new furry friend. In the photos, she wears a casual baby pink tee and black trousers, sitting on the floor while lovingly cradling her adorable pet, ‘Small.

’ Next to them, her other pet can be seen, albeit looking a bit less than thrilled about the new addition. In the caption, she wrote: “Mere ghar aayi ek nanhi stree!!! Miliye ‘Small’ se. Humaari nayi family member Meri dildaar dost @fazaa_s6 ne is choti si khushi ko mujhe gift kiya.

Ab ye hua na sabse best tareeka jashn manane ka...

Woh toh alag baat hai ki is celebration mein ek koi hai jo kaafi na khush hai...

Swipe karke dekho woh shaqs kaun hai”. The post is liked by Varun Dhawan and Ananya Panday. Ananya commented: “Small has become soooo big. the chat pictures also!!!” Moreover, with ‘Stree 2’, Shraddha has become the first female lead to achieve such record-breaking success.

‘Stree 2: Sarkate Ka Aatank’ directed by Amar Kaushik, w.