It was in June when Shraddha Kapoor had confirmed her relationship with Rahul Mody. She had shared a sun-kissed selfie with the writer-assistant director on her Instagram Stories and added a mushy caption, "Dil rakh le, Neend toh vaapis de de yaar (Keep the heart, but give me my sleep back)", on June 19. Now, just around a month and a few days later, Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul and his pet dog on Instagram.

On the Reddit sub BollyBlindsNGossip, a netizen shared a screenshot of Shraddha's Instagram 'following' list and wrote, "Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul Mody on instagram. Even his sister, his production house and his dog. Just some time ago she had made the relationship official.

" Netizens shared their shocking reactions to Shraddha's bizarre social media activity. Some of them even claimed that this might be a promotional gimmick for Shraddha's upcoming film Stree 2 . One Reddit user wrote, "I guess it is just Stree 2 promotional gimmick.

What sad sad lives these people lead that they have to utilise their long-time partners as tools on social media to garner interest for their movies", while another added, "Unfollowing dog’s profile is very personal honestly. Don’t think it’s for promotions. The shit’s damn serious.

My ex removed highlights of my dog and it felt like someone aimed a shotgun and shot at my goddamn head." Posts from the bollyblindsngossip community on Reddit On the work front, Rahul Mody has written and worked as an assistant director on superhit .