The series premiered on June 26 and with four episodes in, 016FM has been making waves as the first show to shine the spotlight on Vaal and its unique culture. On one hand, many viewers have praised the show for its authentic portrayal of life in the Vaal region. They appreciate its gritty realism and how it sheds light on the everyday struggles and triumphs of the local community.

Starboi Masedi, who is a musician from Sebokeng, a township in Vaal, expressed his excitement and gratitude for being cast in the series. “A big shout out to the people who are pushing our names in high places, never in a million years did I think I would be on TV doing this acting thing,” Masedi said. The show’s portrayal of local culture, dialects, and issues has resonated deeply with some viewers, who feel a sense of pride in seeing their community represented on screen.

However, there are also criticisms and mixed feelings about 016FM as some viewers feel that the show perpetuates stereotypes that do not match with the life in the Vaal. They argue that it does not accurately capture the full diversity and richness of the community, potentially reinforcing outsider misconceptions about the area. Some people say the characters seem unrealistic, and they don't think the dialect or real-life complexities of people in the Vaal are shown correctly, especially the dialect, they feel that the show did not get it right.

‘’We have enough actors in our region that can tell our story accordingly,.