Shouts of radiant love and congratulatory blessings on their 42nd wedding anniversary to two Dow Chemical retirees, faithful church stewards and a very devoted and dedicated couple whose lives are motivated and propelled by the word of God, Joel Scott and JoAnn Thomas Scott. Joel and JoAnn are instruments of praise, and gifts of honor at the Zion Temple AME Church, and Pastor Mark Jackson is the divine messenger of God’s gift of salvation. It is often said marriages are like fingerprints, in that each is unique as well as beautiful.

Your marriage has lasted for over four decades, signifying that the greatest marriages are built upon teamwork, mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration and a never-ending cup of love and grace. The difference between “An Ordinary Marriage,” and an “Extra Ordinary Marriage,” is in giving just a little “Extra” every day, as often as possible, for as long as you both shall live. Our fervent petition is that God’s grace will continue to empower you to live abundantly, to pray powerfully, and to walk courageously through life.

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22 n n n Shouts of supreme love and applauding blessings on their 38th wedding anniversary to a retired postal worker and accountant, community and political activist, historian, youth mentors, Sunday School teacher and a sweet psalmist and couple whose hearts are filled with praise and thanksgiving to God, Deacon Robert.