Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are a form of radiation that is transmitted from cell phones, light sources, and powerlines. We are surrounded by EMF as almost all electronic devices emit one. Although exposure to these fields may not be harmful in small doses, a large dose can be fatal in seconds.

There is a growing concern among people nowadays about EMF. Many even have started taking active measures being put into place to reduce this. So how much EMF exposure is too much for human beings? Read on to find out more! Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are energy formed when electricity is generated, transmitted, or used.

You can find many electrical devices like cell phones and power wires that emit this. It is formed when electric and magnetic forces combine to transmit power. EMF can come in two forms: You can be exposed to low doses of EMF in daily life from the following: Refrigerators, blenders, and light therapy devices generate EMF during operation.

These fields are generally low-level and not as harmful. All cell phones, laptops, and tablets emit radiofrequency, especially when connected to wireless networks which is a form of EMF. The type of job you have can also dictate how much EMF you are exposed to.

Workers who operate heavy electrical machinery can be exposed to EMF daily. Especially those who work with high-voltage power equipment are exposed to high levels of EMF. On the other hand, medical professionals can also be exposed to EMF through MRI and X-ray machines.
