Medicine ball slams may seem daunting. But once you get the hang of the exercise, it might become your new favorite move to try out at the gym. That's because besides being an effective way to build strength, medicine ball slams are actually kind of fun.

And if you're having a stressful day, you may find that blasting out a few medicine ball slams is even low-key therapeutic . Of course, the potential performance benefits of training with a medicine ball are also a compelling reason to give medicine ball slams a try. Plus, medicine balls are relatively inexpensive, and often found at many commercial gyms and local community fitness centers.

So even though moves like medicine ball slams might look intimidating, they might be easier than you might think. But if you're not sure where to begin, we put together this simple guide for how to do medicine ball slams. What Are the Benefits of Medicine Ball Slams Some gym equipment can get a bad reputation for being complicated or confusing.

But medicine balls are a simple and completely versatile tool that can be used by people of all different abilities. You can hold them while you perform squats or lunges , or you can use them for more explosive movements, like medicine ball slams. Medicine ball slams, as explained in our guide below, are a total body exercise, incorporating the muscles of the upper body, back, lower body, and core, per the International Journal of Exercise Science .

Depending on how they're utilized into a circuit o.