During a recent “Good Morning America” segment, British author Sophie Kinsella, renowned for her best-selling “Shopaholic” book series, shared insights into her battle with brain cancer. Speaking with the morning talk show’s co-anchor, Robin Roberts, Ms. Kinsella, 54—accompanied by her husband of over 30 years, Henry Wickham—described how a lack of coordination initially caused her to suspect something was not right with her health.

In November 2022, the author sought medical advice, undergoing a brain scan, which showed that she had a grade 4 glioblastoma. Less than two weeks later, Ms. Kinsella endured an eight-hour surgery to remove the aggressive and fast-growing tumor.

“They found the tumor, and they got it all out as much as they could see,” she said, calling the operation “a triumph.” Ms. Kinsella subsequently underwent treatment at the University College Hospital in London, including chemotherapy and radiation, and was prescribed weekly chemotherapy pills.

Despite the success of her brain surgery, the author said she has experienced a range of challenges following the hours-long procedure, including memory loss and impaired movement, which she has been working to overcome through rehab. “I am so grateful to my family and close friends who have been an incredible support to me, and to the wonderful doctors and nurses who have treated me. I am also so grateful to my readers for your constant support,” she continued in part.

During her candid in.