Court papers show that Matthew Perry, the Friends star who had long struggled with addiction, was increasingly taking ketamine, a powerful anaesthetic, in the days before he died. On the day Matthew Perry died , his live-in personal assistant gave him his first ketamine shot of the morning at around 8:30am. About four hours later, while Perry watched a movie at his home in Los Angeles, the assistant gave him another injection.

It was only about 40 minutes later that Perry wanted another shot, the assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa, recalled in a plea agreement that he signed. “Shoot me up with a big one,” Perry told Iwamasa, according to the agreement, and asked him to prepare his hot tub. So Iwamasa filled a syringe with ketamine, gave his boss a third shot and left the house to run some errands, according to court papers.

When he returned, he found Perry face down in the water, dead..