A massive asteroid is approaching the Earth at an enormous speed! The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) is currently monitoring an asteroid, which it says can be hazardous. NASA told Fox News Digital that the rocky object, which has been named 2024 ON , is 350 meters long by 180 meters wide, which roughly equals 1,150 feet by 590 feet. "An asteroid of this size coming this close to Earth only happens every five to ten years," Davide Farnocchia, a navigation engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory told the media.

The asteroid is said to be the size of a stadium. As per the expert, the last time the Earth was hit by such a massive asteroid was in Russia in the year 2013. Can this asteroid destroy the Earth? "We actually check [about the possibility of collision], not just for the immediate future, but also for the next hundred years," Farnocchia explained to the media.

"And there is no possibility of collision in the next hundred years." "The dashboard displays the next five Earth approaches to within 4.6 million miles (7.

5 million kilometers or 19.5 times the distance to the moon); an object larger than about 150 meters that can approach the Earth to within this distance is termed a potentially hazardous object ," the expert said. The asteroid that killed dinosaurs was between 10 and 15 kilometres wide and they created a crater of size 150 kilometre in diameter.

As on Tuesday morning, the 2024 ON was traveling at around 8.8 kilometers per second. How .