CCTV cameras have captured reckless people just milliseconds away from being hit by fast trains at level crossings . The never-before-seen footage of people dicing with death has been published in a bid to get people to stay safe when they are near the tracks. Some 223 incidents were recorded at level crossings in Sussex between 2023 and 2024 with the number of near misses increasing by 31 per cent.

The most shocking video shows a young boy and girl moments away from being hit by a train because they ignored level crossing barriers and lights to save 30 seconds. Sam Pead, Network Rail’s southern region level crossing manager said: “While our railway is one of the safest in Europe, its critical people understand the dangers and potential consequences of misusing level crossings. “It is important to remember that some of the dangers on the railway aren’t always visible.

"Across the Southern region trains can travel as fast as 140mph and are largely powered by the third rail which carries more than enough electricity to kill or seriously injure and is always on. “It’s frustrating we continue to see people recklessly risking their lives when crossing the railway." Unlike railways in other countries, or even elsewhere in the UK, trains in Sussex are powered by a 750-volt electrified rail line - called the third rail.

Network Rail said that across its southern region - from Devon to Kent - the number of near misses with trains at level crossings has increased by 31 per .