Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin 4-3-2-1 Hot and Sweet, Musiksendung, Deutschland 1970, Gaststar: niederländische Band Shocking Blue. Of the four members of the Dutch classic rock group, Shocking Blue, just one is still with us: lead guitarist and chief songwriter Robbie van Leeuwen, 79. The band was a sensation worldwide, with hits like “Venus,” “Never Marry A Railroad Man” and “Send Me A Postcard.

” Curiously, though, only “Venus” made it big in America. Recently I wrote two stories about Shocking Blue (links below), but most of my research for them was from secondary sources. Here, I was able to search out, and reach Dick Bakker, 77, the group’s original sound engineer and co-producer, for some firsthand information.

Bakker is a lot more than just Shocking Blue. He has worked for more than half-a-century in the music business, mostly classical and not just rock. In 1974, he launched The Dick Bakker Orchestra, then worked in England with musicians from The London Philharmonic.

Bakker was also musical director for Metropole Orkest in The Netherlands for many years. An excellent book about his life, “Behind The Scenes Of Music,” was published in 2016. Following are edited excerpts from a fascinating conversation with Bakker.

Dick Bakker’s Dick Bakker Orchestra celebrates its 50-year anniversary this year. Jim Clash: All bands have points of contention, some which ultimately lead to their demise. What was it in Shocking Blue? Dick B.