A daredevil was left terrified as he swam across the deepest part of Scotland's legendary Loch Ness - claiming something loomed up from the depths and brushed against him. Duncan Roberts had the chilling encounter crossing the icy waters for a charity challenge. He said: "The depth and the darkness of that water plays tricks with your mind.

There is some weird energy at play in that water. And during my swim I experienced a bump half way across. It was something big.

The water is pitch black and I had my eyes closed a lot of the time as the depth and darkness terrified me so I didn't see anything. I just felt it, a big thud in the chest." The 39-year-old also told What's The Jam : "I think anyone who swims in the deep part of the loch is lying if they say they haven't thought about the monster.

I was focused on getting across as quickly as possible so the hit was a shock. I was already nervous enough before the swim. "If I knew something was going to bump into me halfway across I would definitely have been having second thoughts.

" The Australian is just one of five people in the world to skateboard the 870 miles around Iceland. But he said the swim across the fabled monster inhabited loch was far tougher. He added: "It was one of the toughest things I've ever done mentally.

I live in Australia and surf all the time often with Great White Sharks. I was way more scared of getting in the Loch Ness water. It was one of the toughest things I've ever done mentally.

" He continued: ".