Sheridan Smith looks distraught as bereaved mother, Ann Ming, in new ITV series, I Fought The Law. The actress, 43, plays the former nurse, who campaigned tirelessly to win justice for her murdered daughter Julie Hogg, who was killed by William 'Billy' Dunlop in County Durham, in 1989. Ann's determination secured Dunlop's conviction, who admitted the murder while serving time for another crime.

In stills taken from I Fought The Law in Teeside, Sheridan looks unrecognisable as Ann, wearing a short cropped blonde wig and a beige mac. Her face is contorted as she discovers the heartbreaking news of Julie's death while being consoled and restrained by family members and the police. Sheridan and Ann have become friends since filming started, with the former nurse praising the Gavin and Stacey star for taking on the role.

Ann, who is acting as a consultant throughout the production process, said: "My daughter’s killer was wrongfully acquitted, and a number of years later confessed to her murder, for which he could only be prosecuted for perjury due to the 800-year-old Double Jeopardy Law. "I wasn’t going to let this stand in my way of getting justice for Julie. I’m overwhelmed that Sheridan Smith will be playing me.

Having such an iconic and talented actress portray me is truly wonderful.” A lengthy battle by Ann saw double jeopardy laws eventually overturned and, in 2006, Dunlop was jailed for life. He was tried twice for the murder.

but both juries failed to reach a verdi.