A talented creative artist who lives at a Dorset care home has staged a remarkable exhibition after sketching pencil portraits of its entire roll of 73 staff members. Resident Judith Forster spent six months on the project at Colten Care’s Abbey View in Sherborne. The idea of sketching each one of her carers, companions, clinical team, chefs, waiting staff, domestic assistants and others came about in February this year.

Companionship Team Leader Bev de Bruyn said: “One of our team was talking with Judith. They were in close proximity and Judith immediately thought ‘what a beautiful smile, I should make a picture of that’. And so, an idea was born.

“She invited the first few team members to come to her room and have sketches done and people loved it. Soon, everyone was happy to sit for her. “For the next six months, Judith could be seen in her room all hours of the day and evening sketching away to her heart’s content.

“She is an avid artist with an amazing talent and a love of art. As a ‘people person’ she has built lovely relationships with the staff she interacts with and staging the exhibition has come out of those bonds.” On the opening day of the exhibition, Abbey View residents were told they were in for a treat and invited to make their way to the lounge where the 73 portraits had been mounted on large panels around the walls.

Bev said: “As they took in the sketches in front of them, residents and staff alike had great fun identifying each subj.